Day 8: A place I've traveled to
I definitely have been very fortunate to have traveled to a lot of really cool places. I'm from a very cultured family so my parents have shown me "my roots" taking me to Vietnam (and Singapore that trip) and to Italy. My mom's 3 sisters now live in France/Switzerland so I've been blessed to travel there a few times too. Michael's Australian so of course we've done
a few trips to his homeland as well... and New Zealand since it's so close. I've also been fortunate to see England twice too. They're ALL way to cool to narrow it down to just one place.
Day 9: A picture of your friends!

Michael always makes fun of me for having "a million best friends" because I do consider most of my friends best friends. I'd rather have a few amazing ones than a million semi-ones. This is a picture of my bridesmaids and I. All whom I consider best friends. I wouldn't have chosen them to stand beside me on my wedding day unless they were totally awesome.
Day 10: Something I'm afraid of...
Hahaha what am I not afraid of? Last time I was forced to watch a scary movie I stayed up 48 hours straight... and that was in high school. It wasn't fun walking into 1st period looking like death because I sat up in bed all night with my lights on.
Day 11: Favorite TV Shows

Such an easy one. Vampire Diaries, of course, because I need my weekly fill of sexy, blood-sucking romantics. Modern Family, Desperate Housewives, Greys, Private Practice, The Nanny, Regis & Kelly, Hellcats and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are set to record weekly as well.
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