Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 Day Blog Challege: Day 13

Day 13: Goals

This blog comes at such a perfect time, New Years Resolution time. I have a few goals that I'm going to try and stick too next year and few goals from the past I'm going to try and continue.

1) Eat healthier. Michael and I (with the exception of this week) have been eating gluten free, skipping out on fast food, and overall choosing better ingredients for our diet. I'd like to continue that for a healthier lifestyle.

2) Work out. Period. We're fortunate enough to pretty much have a personal LA Fitness in our home. And I never use it. So, next year, a new goal of mine is to get my booty off the couch and into the gym at least once a week. That may sound like a piece of cake to you, but for me, that's going to be a real challenge.

3) Two years ago, my New Year's resolution was to take more photos. I did really good that year but this year kind of slacked, so I want to try and be better at that.

4) Another new goal of mine is to learn/try to be more patient. One of the reasons I say I'm not ready for kids right now is because I have such a short fuse. I definitely need to try and build more patience.

5) I need to try and not sweat the small stuff.

6) Another goal I'm setting for myself is to learn French.

7) This is kind of a quadruple goal. I need to learn some self control, not to splurge and to cut back on spending and save more. I have developed a habit about getting on my computer, immediately going to nordstrom.com to see what new stuff they've added and not thinking twice before purchasing. It's very silly. And needs to stop.

8) Lastly for 2011, begin researching and working towards a certificate in event planning.

1 comment:

  1. I saw your last goal of event planning, maybe I can help! I work for a company - Plan Your Meetings - planyourmeetings.com. We help meeting and event planners (traditional and nontraditional) with education and connections. We host a trade show pretty much every month across the country. We are all about connections and education at the shows. We also have our annual magazine and weekly eblasts. Check it out on the site, it can help you! Good luck! Where in Fl do you live? We are coming to Tampa in November.
