Day 12: What you believe
I believe in God.
I believe good triumphs over evil.
I believe in the sacrament of marriage.
I believe all dogs go to Heaven. Corny as it sounds... I really do :-)
I believe my husband has a lot to prove in his industry. And I believe there are great things in store for him/us.
I believe honesty is the best policy.
I believe what goes around comes around.
I believe love conquers all.
I believe in stopping to smell the roses.
I believe in "if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is."
I believe music and laughter (and wine) can heal the soul.
I believe food is meant to be enjoyed.
I believe I have been blessed with the most amazingly family ever.
I believe true friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.
I believe the Steelers are the greatest football time of all time.
I believe nice guys do finish last.
I believe life isn't easy.
I believe in doing unto others.
I believe a smile goes a long way.
I believe in happily ever afters.
I believe in a lot.
I love this. And I am right there with you... I too believe in what you believe in. EXCEPT the Steelers part... and that I would like to add that all cats go to Heaven as well.