Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back on the DL

Oh Paris, how I wish I could say you were betterto us. And how I wish I had bought Rosetta Stone six months earlier.

Our trip started off pretty darn good. In our first 2 days there we were able to knock out the Louvre which was so overwhelmingly awesome and the next day the Eiffel tower.

Note to self: If you too believed the Eiffel Tower was a gift from the US to France thanking them for the Statue of Liberty, you're wrong. I could have sworn this was true. That I had been taught this in my younger years in school. But in the hotel lobby one night drinking with friends, including our Frenchman friend Sorby, I was proven wrong and that the Eiffel tower was apparently built to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. Even my mom, who is fluent in French and lived there for a few years thought that same as I did.

But back to the Louvre... It was so awesome. So big. You can easily spend days in there. I had been there before, but never made it inside. Apparently it's closed on Tuesdays and that was the one day we had planned to go. So when Michael was invited to race Bercy SX I was super excited knowing I'd finally get to plan my attack on the Louvre. It would have been even better if I was with someone who appreciated the things we saw as much as I did. Bringing a dirt bike rider and his mechanic along probably wasn't the smartest idea... apparently the Mona Lisa isn't a big deal because it's a "small" painting. I guess because da Vinci painted it doesn't matter! LOL But I have to give them credit, they were good sports and walked up and down a thousands stairs all day with me.

With my electronic guide. Total tourist and I love it.

Michel and I in front of the Mona Lisa.

One of the coolest parts of the Louvre, I think, was Napoleon III apartments. Here was the 46 seater dining room table.

The inverted pyramid.

Outside the Louvre.

The second day, after we overslept until noon... Oops... we just hung out in Bercy for the day and then when our friends GL and Chelsey arrived we headed out. They aren't the touristy types so I was excited to drag them out with us on an adventure! We took the smelly metro to a mall to look around and then went to the the Eiffel Tower. It was perfect timing for photos because the tower started twinkling just when we started taking pictures. Then after photo-ops we journeyed to the top of the top. By elevator that is. No way were we walking the stairs.

Michael and I at the twinkling Eiffel Tower.

My girlfriend Chelsey and I.

So then Friday rolled around which meant game-time. The first of 3 nights racing. I was really anxious earlier in the day and during Michael's practices but after he killed it on his hot lap in the pre-show I was really at ease. Then came the elimination races which meant the riders would race 3x. The first time 5 laps and the bottom 5 riders would be dropped, then 4 laps and the bottom 3 riders would be dropped and so on and so forth. In the first set he almost had the hole shot, which means almost 1st into the 1st turn, and finished 3rd the first set of 5 laps only getting passed on the last lap. He was riding awesome! The 2nd elimination race started and he was 2nd into the 1st turn again and was riding so strong. On a jump about to pass for 3rd into a turn is where it all went wrong. Upon landing he clipped a tough-block and pretty much did a cart-wheel in the air before hitting the ground pretty hard :-( So not cool. Not the night we were looking for. Michael had been training so hard and looked better than I had seen him riding in a long time. But once again, bad luck plagues us and we're injured again.

I say "we" because I really feel for him when we has to go through these injuries and I go through them with him. It affects me just as much as him, mainly because I know he doesn't deserve it... he's an amazing rider. And it it weren't for so many injuries I know Michael would have already accomplished so much more. So it's back to rehab and when that's over I know God has really big things in store for him!!!

Anywho, after he crashed we were rushed to the ER in Paris. Not fun. Especially because no one at the first hospital spoke a lick of English. Even worse was that we had a translator with us, but the doctors kept kicking him out and then would just ramble on in French when they knew we didn't understand them. Not trusting the ER doctor we declined having surgery that night and got in contact with our surgeon in CA. But he told us the dislocated wrist couldn't wait until we came home and he recommended we have surgery in Paris. Michael had surgery the next day in a different hospital and they kept him for observations for 2 nights. It sucked leaving him every night to go back to the hotel. Between trying to speak with the doctors and nurses and getting to and from the hotel by taxi knowing more French would have totally come in handy. Now, with 6-8 on the DL ahead of us I'll have plenty of time to learn.

Funny story about our horrific experience... Michael's hospital roommate preferred to hang out commando while he laid in bed. And sometimes wasn't covered by his blanks (EWW) And wasn't shy to pass gas... really loud.

The 3 pins put in...

Now we're home... kissed the ground when we landed... and have begun therapy to get back to 100%... more updates to come...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bragging Wife

Just thought I'd share this photo of Michael in FLMX Mag this month! Pretty sick!

Friday, November 12, 2010

New Obession

I'm loving the Axxium nails from OPI. Went with my girlfriend yesterday and tried it out. For the first time ever, I've come home with a manicure and color on my nails and it hasn't chipped or smudged! Amazing. Officially addicted.

Because we're going to France next week, and its supposed to last for 2 weeks, I choose the "Louvre Me, Louvre Me Not" color hehehe

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another way I manage to spend money...

I am super excited to be blogging about my recent Barnes & Nobles purchase!

As I mentioned a little bit ago, Michael and I get to go to France really soon. And if you've ever been there before you know not all French are that keen on English speaking tourists so I humored myself my buying the Level 1 of French Rosetta Stone. I know I'm not going to learn the language in the whole 10 or so days before we leave but I still want to give it a try. I had been meaning to buy it for awhile considering my mom's whole family speaks French plus the fact I took classes in high school and have all but forgotten "Hi my name is Danielle." Sheesh. These things aren't cheap either! I was planning on buying 1, 2, and 3 together but wasn't willing to pay $550 so I bought level 1 and told myself if I actually really get through it I'll consider paying an arm and a leg for the rest.

And because I probably won't even learn past "Hi my name is Danielle" before we leave I bought a handy dandy little French phrase book to keep in my purse at all times. When we went to Milan last year I had the Italian version and I was pretty impressed with myself at how many times I actually used it and how often it really helped! Especially when we were asking for directions or trying to read dinner menus! So, if you're traveling out of the country I highly suggest you invest in a Frommer's PhraseFinder & Dictionary book!

But MOST importantly!!! I finally got Stephenie Meyers lastest book/novella (whatevs)!!!! I'm hoping The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is just the Twilight fix I need right about now. I know, I know... where have I been? It's been out for forever... well, I was moving, planning a wedding, getting married etc etc and barely had time to sleep let alone read a book. So I will for sure be packing this along with me to France. This and another book because it's probably only going to get me through the plane ride there. Any suggestions for my 10 hours home?

K, gotta get back to cleaning! Angel, the rottie we've been watching, sheds like a mofo!

☮ Out

Friday, November 5, 2010

changing it up

doing a little nip and tucks to my blog. so sorry if you notice my extreme wishy-washyness.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birds in a nest

One of the many reason I love my Husband (gosh I just love saying that!) is because every morning he gets out of bed (usually before me), turns on the kettle for my morning tea and he cooks me breakfast. Unless I'm at a buffet where I can sample one of everything, which is the perfect setup for me because I suffer from food envy, I usually always prefer a "birds in a nest" breakfast. What is that you ask? Why it's this...

A simple hole cut out of the middle of a piece of bread with an egg cooked in the middle. Add a cup of English Breakfast... one tsp of sugar and a splash of milk... and I'm set!

Yep, so there's my random post for the day. Happy Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


And Happy November!

Nous allons à la France!

Translation: We're going to France!

It was confirmed today that Michael will be racing in the Paris Supercross race November 19-21st! I am SO excited for him and for me because I get to tag along :-). And if you don't know me very well... I LOVE to travel! It's probably among my top 5 favorite things along with food and shopping so that's a pretty BIG. I've been to France a few times already but Michael and I have never been there together so I'm really excited to drag him to the Louvre so I can stop complaining about how I've tried numerous times to see the Mona Lisa and it's always a failed mission.

More details later... I gotta go cook some dinner! Tonight's menu... Perogies!