I'll begin this blog like I have been beginning most...
Happy to say that our Christmas shopping is 99% DONE! I just have a few more things for Michael to pickup. I know for most, it's early to be done shopping but bare in mind half of our family lives in Australia. So I have to get everything shipped off in the next few days or else it
won't make it there in time for Christmas. We got some great stuff for everyone, hope they all love it!
Things I am hoping for for Christmas are... a variable temp Breville kettle, Crisp Champagne Voluspa candle, some Urban Decay eyeshadow, clothes, gift certificate to my favorite store Keys Country, and cookbooks. Nothing to exciting... it never is these days.
Here's hoping everyone gets what they are wishing for for Christmas :-*
Hope you got some of your wishes! Merry Christmas!!